Oil & Gas
Salt Cavern Storage Facility
Multiple system design/build project including 7.5 MVA substation, 5 miles of 15 kV powerline with fiber, pond pumps, Cathodic Protection, and loadout controls, communication & programming.
Project included fiber backbone and radio redundant control system. Cavern well motors and grounding of skid mounted control building. Built and programmed PLC panels.
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Natural Gas Compression, Water Transfer,
& Water Disposal.
Design/Build electrical system with automation controls. Design/Build compressor and pump buildings.
Main Electrical Service Design/Installation. Emergency Stop Design/Installation. Freeze Protection Design/Installation. Liquid Level Tracking. Cooling Fan Control Design/Build. Generator specification sizing. MCC Distribution Design/Installation.
View ProjectOil Loadout Facility
Incorporated new Allen-Bradley 480 MCC Gear with existing gear and new Allen-Bradley IO logic into PLC. Class 1 Div 1 Location wiring and Rosemont Instrumentation. Installed Chromalox Heat Trace Systems @ 277 v.
Plant expansion to separate black and yellow crude. Installed conduit, cable, cable tray, and wired new motors, pumps, heat trace, lighting, etc.
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